Tag Archives: happy

Super Power – Positive Thoughts

What’s my super power you ask? I’m a dreamer, therefor my super power is thought. I am and have always been a believer of the “Law of Attraction” … I am the living breathing proof that it is real and it works!

Thinking Positive thoughts projects positivity which leads to a positive environment which then brings optimism and success into my life.

A dreamer who can believe in their dreams now that is a super power to brag about!

Remember “anything is possible if you just believe” a very well known quote that we all seem to let slip our mind.

Set out for what you want, reach your goals.. THAT should be the purpose of life.

Why? Because you can!

Xx; Mimii20140627-161153-58313572.jpg

“Work Life” – Positive Vibes

[ Download PDF poster here ]

Too many times I walk around my office building, watching people walk around with their heads low, feeling stressed cause of their work day, expressing their hate towards the fact they are stuck inside an office etc…

I felt it was time I take action and spread the positive vibe I surround myself with everyday!

So I did just that, went around and spread positive thoughts in all the main rooms of the building!

FREE OF CHARGE. Everyone around the building can now enjoy a positive thought.

Hoping this will help liven up the atmosphere in the building!


xx; Mimii


Blooming Forget Me Not

How did you make it to where you are today?

I’ve got to say that my strong sense of ambition is definitely, what brought me here today. I was always keeping updated as much as possible with the beautiful world of cosmetics, always looking for opportunities and always trying to achieve more. It all started when I used to play with dolls and Barbie’s, and it alone becomes a whole process of metamorphosis.

How would you describe yourself taking in consideration this lifestyle?

I consider myself like a small flower in this world. Every flower starts with a seed, add the soil (home) and some water&sunlight (nutrition) and let miracles happen. A flower is built tough, the roots, (this implying my supportive family and artistic, my sister whom always let me apply her makeup, my friends who are always there to encourage me through think and thin).. Then, theirs the stem, (built tough and ready to pierce through the ground to make its appearance)  Then at the top of the stem you find the bud (which in this metaphor I’m trying to create represents your comfort zone). To get to where I am today I had to breakthrough, then grew out of my shell to finally expose myself to the world. (So, I made the hard decision to leave my small town behind to move to the Nations’ capital, OTTAWA where I attended La Cité Collégiale in the Esthetics program). So as this went on my petals grew stronger and brighter and more colored as my knowledge grew in those same ways.

How did all this happen for you?

I landed a job right away after graduating as a full-time cosmetician at Jean-Coutu (MY FIRST RETAIL JOB! which I rocked at b.t.w) … I have a lot to thank to this job as they were SO great to me. From here on there was no stopping me. I started to bloom and to show my hidden wonders. Even created a social network and a small fan base.

One day at my work, a rep from Lise Watier showed up and was talking to my head cosmetician. She was talking about an opening MUA job for the company … Right away *BING* light turned on in my head … I, Myriam Cyr, was going to land this job … no questions asked. Heres where I put in play the laws of attraction to the test. I thought long and hard about this position and how much I could see myself in it. Tweeted about it, facebooked, tumblr EVERYTHING you name it, I put my interest out there. One day I had a twitter mention (which hardly ever happened before this) as I checked it already my colors were showing I was full of excitement. I’m sure my face turned 50 shades of red … I had @LiseWatier and @ChelseaChute4LW tweeting me good luck message’s on my application to the job. WOW WOW WOW was I ever in a mood of pure ecstasy … Then, the next thing I know the regional rep had tweeted me that she would like me to send her my resume directly to her (since the head office was taking their time sending it over to her). She was also asking me if I was available in the next few days to meet with her about the position. AHH! I was happier than a child on Christmas morning.

Finally I had met with the rep the next day. Little did I know, she was already ready to hire me, but I kept answering her interview question trying to rock my interview (completely oblivious to the fact) only for her to tell me ‘so BTW I knew I was going to hire you before I even came into Tim Hortons (this is where my interview was) I just wanted to hear more about you’…. all I remember was tears filling up my eyes, I WAS SO JOYFUL … like I cried at the end of an interview kind of happy and here I am still today loving my job! Here’s to hoping the happiness never ends.

More and more every day I keep blooming into this beautiful blue-eyed forget me not flower… 🙂 Smallest most beautiful flower the world has (in my opinion).

BeauteOptic, your little forget me not flower 🙂