Tag Archives: words

Super Power – Positive Thoughts

What’s my super power you ask? I’m a dreamer, therefor my super power is thought. I am and have always been a believer of the “Law of Attraction” … I am the living breathing proof that it is real and it works!

Thinking Positive thoughts projects positivity which leads to a positive environment which then brings optimism and success into my life.

A dreamer who can believe in their dreams now that is a super power to brag about!

Remember “anything is possible if you just believe” a very well known quote that we all seem to let slip our mind.

Set out for what you want, reach your goals.. THAT should be the purpose of life.

Why? Because you can!

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The nine 2 five

The 9-5 life, is it really necessary?

Since I’ve stepped out of the 9-5 world I’ve noticed MANY changes in my life.

1 being I am particularly more happy with my life

2 being I spend less but I live more fulfilling life.

3 is I’m realizing I don’t need 2/3 of the crap I’ve accumulated

4… The list seriously goes on forever.. Mainly all positive points!!

This article is perfect at explaining it all!

It’s crazy how the system is built.. Even crazier that were all so drawn to it…. Money money money.

I suggest everyone read this article! ITS A MUST!

Then question… Is it really worth it? Is it really possible to spend time and not money?

I’ll leave you with those questions on your mind..

Ciao for now!